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Sasha Artisan

Dhokra Art

Dhokra / Dokra is non-ferrous metal casting using the hollow lost-wax casting technique Using the clay core. This technique has been used in india for over 4,000 years and is still Used. One of the earliest known lost max artefacts is the dancing girl of Mohenjo-daro. In modern india it is manufactured primarily in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal and some part of Jharkhand.

Gond Painting

Gond painting is a tribal art work of the Gond tribes from central India. Gond art resonates with A culturally distinctive ethos and draws inspiration from myths and legends to images of daily life, As well as it reckons with surreality of emotions dreams, and imagination.

Warli Painting

Warli painting is a tribal art mostly done by Adivasi form north Sahyadri range in India. Warli is the vivid expression of daily and social events and used by them to a populace not Acquainted with the written word. It is believed that these paintings invoke powers of the gods.

Saura Art

Saura painting is a style of wall Mural painting associated with the saura tribal of the state Of Odisha in India


Pattachitra style of painting is one of the oldest and most popular art forms of Odisha. The Name Pattachitra has evolved from the Sanskrit word Patta, meaning canvas, and Chitra, meaning Picture. Pattachitra is thus a painting done on canvas. The painting the Pattachitra resemble the old murals of Odisha especially religious centers Of Puri, Konark and Bhubaneshwar region, Dating back to the 5th century BC


Madhubani, Literally means Forest of Honey, is an art form done in the Mithile region on Bihar and Nepal, thus also knows as Mithila Art. These Eye catching paintings are every occasions and festivals . these paintings dates back to the time of Ramayana The themes, on which these painting are based, are predominantly nature and mythological event.

Odisha Stone Carving

This form of art is one of the most ancient crafts and practiced in almost all parts of Odisha, Which is evident form the innumerable archaeological monuments, caves and sculptures build For centuries. Mute, cold stones are transformed into vivid expressions and the warmth and smoothness generates into the various fact of human life.

Wrought Iron (Lauh-Shilp) :

Lohshilp or wrought iron craft is one of the most unique and the oldest craft form in baster Region. It has an aesthetic appeal inspite of its simplistic form. The art originated from the ironsmith (Lohar) community that used to make farming and hunting implements for tribes. Baster region of Chattisgarh is one of the richest areas in terms of iron ore deposits.

Calcutta Bamboo Art

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